Do you ever associate places with food? I don’t man restaurants or take away because that would be obvious wouldn’t it? No I mean places like your Nanna’s because she always has the best home made cakes, or your Mum’s because the Roasts are just fantastic. What about places that you have to go to all day, 5 days a week? I used to work in this place that had a fantastic social atmosphere. We had morning teas left right and centre and always went out for lunches. We had a social club that had a lolly bar that turned over so much profit most of our Christmas parties were subsidised. This place of work was my first real job. I worked there for over 4 years. Maybe even 5 I am not sure. While I was there I put on a lot of weight. Sure you can’t blame the actual workplace but there were so many opportunities and temptations to ensure that when I left there my butt would be a butt that Sir Mix a Lot would be proud of (insert daggy 90’s reference).
Well as it turns out after 14 months I am returning there to work tomorrow and granted it will be a different place as many of the people have left but it is the place where I went from a size something to a size even more something. So what can I do? What should I do? I have really started to believe that how you start something is how you will finish it. I could just go to work after the gym and then buy a sandwich or a chicken foccacia from the across the road (that mind you I fell in love with and ate way too many in the old days) or I could get things off to a positive start and make a great colourful lunch and start new memories there. So that is what I did. I have included a picture for you and because I know that one of my trainers reads this (Hi Latoya)!
If you are still waiting for your Monday to come it is now Wednesday and time to get off your butts. Who is Sir Mix a Lot anyway? He doesn’t really like big butts!
Shell that's a good idea to start the way you intend to go on, and by the look of the lunch you packed you are definitely off to the right start. Being a dedicated 'take-my-own-healthy-lunch' type of person, I can thoroughly recommend this approach for lots of reasons - saving money as well as nutritional reasons being just two.
Some work places do a fantastic job in encouraging healthy eating. We have fresh fruit supplied twice a week - a huge basket of all different types for each floor. And yes we do have one of those out-of-this-world espresso/latte machines that grind the beans freshly for you. Wow! Haven't workplaces changed in the last few years.
Keep up the good work. Remember this is the journey you are on for the rest of your life.
please, please write more often, shell! I have your blog bookmarked to read each day and I miss your humour and motivation when you haven't posted.
Hear Hear Anonymous!! I absolutely agree with you. Even when Shell says she has nothing to write about it's amazing how interesting and entertaining she can make nothing seem.
You may want to "treat us mean and keep us keen" Shell, but we really do miss your blog entries.
If nothing else share some more of your fab lunch ideas and photos.
anonymous has been working for you lol
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