Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Will be in hibernation for two weeks.

Hello, just a quick message to let you know that I probably wont be posting on here for two weeks as it is exam time. I procrastinate enough without looking on the net all of the time. ;0

Happy end of November.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Do you like prawns?

Someone today gave me the following recipe for prawns which I might try. I don’t have any brandy so I might put a little white wine instead:

Basic ingredients

1 chilli

3 cloves of garlic

400gms of uncooked prawns

Green Basil

Dash of sherry (use sparingly or its bitter)

Olive oil

Heat the oil , add the garlic and chilli (chopped fine) until the garlic turns brownish add peeled prawns cook till pink, add sherry, add basil. Give it a minute and make sure the prawns are evenly covered.

Me in swimmers?

As promised to you and myself I woke early this morning and went to the pool. It was quite nice and as I went to Dickson Pool (outdoors) it was extremely refreshing at 6:00am. I was a little self conscious but you get that. I am glad that I went and I plan on doing it again tomorrow. I was trying to decide if I would go in the morning or in the afternoon. If it is this hot tomorrow I might go in the afternoon.

I have written the biggest grocery list for this weekend. You know those times you have no meat, no cleaning products, no frozen products – nothing. Pantry is bare, fridge is bare, and freezer is pretty much bare. I think there is some bread in there. Pooks doesn’t know it yet but I am going to buy some frozen salmon that I have seen. I don’t mind salmon and it is good for you. Pooks also doesn’t know that if it is hot next week he will be cooking on the BBQ. I’d say I will having the feta, spinach and pumpkin salad a lot too. I do want to get Pooks onto Caesar salads. Not with the Anchovies or the dressing but the rest of it. I think that if he actually like it if he gave it a try!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just my ramblings

I guess you are all wondering where I have been? If you haven’t you should be. To be totally honest I have been having a tough time of late. There are some personal family issues which have been affecting me, changing jobs again, University and trying to run our household on the smell of an oily rag. Of course none of these are an excuse for not exercising but they have been causing me quite a bit of stress which has been making me ill. I find that during the day when I am at work I am fine and bubbly (as those of you I correspond frequently with will attest to). It is when I come home and think and deal with everything that troubles me.

My membership at the gym ends in two days and instead of going full bore and getting the rest of my moneys worth I have found myself still asleep come 7:00am rushing to get to work. In the midst of a burst of I have no idea what, I have packed my stuff to go to the pool in the morning.

I guess I am treating this like a journal entry. Down on “paper” it kind of just looks like I am being a sook. I guess I am in a way. I am sure that tomorrow being a payday with few bills will alleviate some of my angst. That’s all.

Weight Loss Program

I have probably posted this before:

A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10lb. weight loss
program.The next day, there's a knock on the door and there
stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed
in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign round her neck. She
introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company.

The sign reads: -

If you can catch me, you can have me." Without a second thought,
he takes off after her. A few miles later, huffing and puffing,he finally catches her and has his way with her. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lb. as promised. He then calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program.

The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life.

She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads "if you catch me you can have me." Well, he's out the door after her like a shot! This girl is in excellent shape and it takes him a while to catch her but when he does, it's definitely worth every muscle cramp and wheeze, so for the next four days, the same routine happens. Much to his delight, on the fifth day he weighs himself to discover that he has lost another 20 lb. as promised. He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7-day/50 pound program. "Are you sure?" asks the representative on the phone - This is our most rigorous program."
Absolutely," he replies, "I haven't felt this good in years."

The next day there's a knock at the door; and when he opens it
he finds this huge, muscular, 7ft black man standing there wearing
nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that
reads :- I'm Francis. If I catch you, you're mine..."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anyone else coming for dinner?

Hello All!

Can you believe it is already Thursday? How nice (and unexpected) was the rain last night?

So we had a big weekend as I had expected. Friday night there were four of us for dinner. The boys had fish and chips, I had a hamburger. Saturday evening I decided to cook a casserole. I wasn’t sure how many people were coming so I thought with that (and the 2kg) of meat that I used that it would be ok. At 17:00hrs I knew there was going to be 4 of us, by 17:30 I found out that there was going to 6 of us so I just peeled some more potatoes. By dinner time we ended up having 11 here so I just cooked some rice and made a bigger salad. See I am very accommodating. :)

Sunday night we had 6. I cooked the sweet potato mash and the chicken mini roasts with corn cobs and a massive salad in the middle of the table. It was really yummo!

On Saturday morning the boys were all up at about 6:30am to get their stuff together to go riding so I got up then as well. It had rained the night before so everything was lovely and fresh outside. Anyway I went for a walk around the block much to the amazement of one of the guys who didn’t know I did things like that now. I also wore one of my Team Shell shirts just to further demonstrate how “professional” I had become.

Pooks received the biggest shock of all though! When he came home from riding on Saturday he noticed that I had, wait for it, weeded some of the garden! What? Who does that? Ok he didn’t really notice but when I pointed it out he did! We spent Tuesday in the garden as well but I found that extremely boring so just stood and watched.

Monday I had off as annual leave and Tuesday was a lovely Public Holiday for some horse race. To be honest this is the first year that I have not been into the Melbourne Cup. I didn’t bet, I didn’t go into any sweeps, nothing.

Finally I will end with some exciting news. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had to return to a place that I had worked previously and to be honest I wasn’t too excited about it. My higher duties had ended and it was time for me to go back to my old job. I am very career orientated (well I think I am) and I saw it as a backwards step. People kept telling me to be patient. I knew exactly the work that I wanted to do that would compliment my personality, my experience and what I am doing at uni. Well low and behold, shoot me down with a feather but after three weeks of being there I got a phone call and an offer to go and do the exact job that I want to do in another part of the organisation. This time however I am taking a permanent sideways step to get the job I want. I should have done that 12 months ago but you live, you learn! So once again I will be starting my new job on Monday! It is all within the same Organisation so it isn’t like I am changing employers all of the time. Fortunately there is a lot of opportunity and a lot of room to move. I will also be moving location (to a place I have worked before) and I know a lot of people there who exercise so hopefully they will let me tag along!

I am going to go to the gym tomorrow and ask to do some treadmill work. I don’t know why. Just cause.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

So fat and lazy

I feel fat and lazy. My boobs feel ginormous. When I go to the gym tomorrow I am going to make a point of looking at myself in the much despised mirrors to remind myself that I still need to do this. It is crap and I hate it. I just watched So You Think You Can Dance. See the bodies on those girls? Pity I can’t dance. Ha ha! I just sent myself an e-mail to my work address and said that if I want to get pregnant I need to be healthy. To be healthy I need to keep exercising and lose some weight. To lose weight I need to watch what I eat. Hot weather is NOT an excuse to eat ice cream. Hot weather is not an excuse to drink more soft drink. I hope the firewall doesn’t block my e-mail.

I hope I wake up in the morning and I suddenly have the body of a dancer – more like private dancer… ha ha! I just crack myself up sometimes. Lol…

Nighty night!